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About Us

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The Project Need Foundation is committed to building sustainable and equitable systems to bring about needed change that will safeguard our children and the welfare of families and the community in Benton Harbor, Michigan.

Our Vision

All Benton Harbor residents have access to affordable water,  housing, and developments. Project Need Foundation believes in equal justice for all and will ensure that we support and connect the homeless and veterans in our community to resources for food, mental health, and  education. We strive to combat racial and environmental disparities through programming, breaking down barriers and challenging the current system of policing in our community.

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  • Connect Residents to resources for affordable Housing and Developments – Helping to end homelessness for Community and Veterans
  • Provide Food Resources through local partnerships with food pantries – Access to daily fresh food locally
  • Mental Health Services and Building Healthy, Strong Communities
  • Education – Mentoring from cradle and early development to college preparation and job/career training
  • Programs for racial healing, disparities and inequalities to move towards systematic changes
  • Share principles on 21st Century Policing – Building trust with community and Police
  • Uphold the Vision: Equal Justice for All

Project Need's Sponsors & Partnerships
